Subtle Verse
"Be Still, and know that I am God;" Psalm 46:10
Posted by Tiffany Kimmet on
I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. It was a different Easter for us since we didn't go anywhere but it was nice. We watched church, ate good food, played a few games, and watched a movie, "A Case for Christ". That is one of my favorite movies and I'm glad we got to watch it as a family. I highly recommend it. My daughter and I have been going for daily walks, sometimes two! I will miss those when this is over. I'm glad I'm getting to be able to spend more time with her before she goes off...
My Cup Overflows. Psalm 23:5
Posted by Tiffany Kimmet on
As I was relaxing this afternoon, I got an email saying another show has been cancelled. I have to say I cried. The other shows we saw coming. We live in Ohio and the colleges were shutting down and we knew the schools would be closing soon. So we were prepared to hear that our March shows would be cancelled or postponed and we were fine with that. But this show is the end of May and that seems too far away to be cancelling. I've done shows for so long that it's just part of me now. I love...
"Fear not, for I am with you;" Isaiah 41:10
Posted by Tiffany Kimmet on
What a year! I have to admit, March came around really fast and I wasn't ready to start traveling yet. Don't get me wrong I love doing shows but I was still exhausted from the last few years! I needed a little longer break. Well, I got it! Our shows have been cancelled until May! There are a few ways I can look at things - Fear - how are we going to make it without income for a few months or Faith - God will provide. I choose Faith. God has always taken care of us and this time is...
Subtle Verse 2020
Posted by Tiffany Kimmet on