Subtle Verse
Posted by Tiffany Kimmet on
So today I'm thinking how God has blessed us beyond all measure. I'm excited because the construction to our store will be starting soon. Of course, it costs double what we thought. Doesn't it always? But it will be how we envisioned it and will look so nice! So it's all good. I'm getting ready to meet with a few vendors today about selling their products and I get to go to my favorite antique store to find displays. I've been in touch with my artists friends that I haven't talked to in a year. Life is good. As...
NEW! Subtle Verse Gift Shop
Posted by Tiffany Kimmet on
I can't believe it's the last day of 2020. What a year! Last year, just as our shows would have started, the world shut down. I admit I was really sad once April then May came around and still no shows. I then decided to just embrace it and enjoy my time off but I missed the people and shows. So I started doing local farmers markets. I had so much fun! It helped that our new set up took us 10 minutes instead of 3 hours and I only had to travel 3 mins from our house. Once the...
Subtle Verse Pop-Up Shop
Posted by Tiffany Kimmet on
I had my first Pop-Up Shop this weekend. It was so much fun! I didn't realize how much I miss talking to people! Lol. It's always exciting to see who's my next customer! We've lived in the same town for 17 years but the last 10 years or so I have been so busy traveling, etc. So it's so exciting to visit with 'old' friends. I've gotten to catch up with so many friends that I haven't seen for so long! Then I love it when customers, who usually see me at art shows, come in! My heart is so...
Blessed Beyond All Measure
Posted by Tiffany Kimmet on
This weekend was one of the best weekends this year. We just got done participating in Prairie Peddler. I feel blessed beyond all measure. God is good. As everyone knows this year has been difficult to say the least. Don't get me wrong, I have actually enjoyed being at home and we needed the rest. I always thought if I had time I would be able to get so many things done. I found out that is not true! However, when you work so hard for something and actually love what you do then all of a sudden it's taken...
Posted by Tiffany Kimmet on
September has just started but it's been a tough month for me already. This is the time when our shows are ramping up. It gets a little chaotic trying to figure out where to be and to get enough product ready but it's been our lives for the past 9 years. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to be home. We haven't been home for this extended amount of time for a long time but I really miss my customers and my vendor friends! I miss talking to everyone. I think that's the hardest part. I never had much free...